Tuesday 15 May 2012

Trade Shifts outside of Hubs

To be the most profitable trader in Jita (or another hub), you really need to work from home. 

When devblogs or other clues are dropped about upcoming game changes, those first able to hoard/dump the stock of item X in the hubs stands to gain the most. I'm sure many of you, like myself, read devblogs at work and then realise by the time we get home the markets would have already seen a major shift (and most likely an overshoot of the actual effect,  meaning that buying in late can cause major losses). 

In any case, for those of you in this position - use alts to scan other regions that lack major trading hubs. In my case, given the way T1 and T2 prices have surged in the last 2months, I spent some time poking around the lowsecs surrounding Jita (with my pvp main - 2birds1stone etc). As market orders are updated or filled slowly in lowsec, many sell orders were now very cheap relative to the hubs. So I bought mostly T2 ships off the market, hauled them to Jita and sold them to buy orders for nice profits with a minimum of work. Below is a snapshot of some buy/sells using muninns and devoters:

As you can see - I was getting from 12 - 16mill ISK profit per hull. 

So for those of you with a real life - dont forget how the regions surrounding market hubs often lag behind the trade patterns established in those hubs - opening up a range of profitable trades waiting to be exploited. 

Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. I did this!

    Except only with four huginns because I am poor :(


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